Thematic Analysis

The AHPGS has a concept for the regular publication of thematic analyses according to the “Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG)” The preparation of thematic analyses is secured in the long term by a resolution of the Board of Directors on the provision of resources.


  • Accreditation and state recognition of degree programs in social work in the context of the requirements of the state-specific social professions recognition laws (for a full analysis in German see here)




A critical examination of the ESG standard “Thematic Analyses” in the context of accreditation can be found in the following article.

The following are examples of thematic analyses that take into account the experience gained from AHPGS procedures:

Kälble, K. (2019): Interprofessionalität in der gesundheitsberuflichen Bildung im Spannungsfeld von beruflicher Identitätsentwicklung und Professionalisierung. In: Ewers, M. / Paradis, E. / Herinek, D. (Hrsg.): Interprofessionell Lernen, Lehren und Arbeiten. Gesundheits- und Sozialprofessionen auf dem Weg zu kooperativer Praxis. Weinheim: Beltz-Juventa, S. 70-84. Further information (German)

Content: The interprofessional cooperation in the health care professions and its promotion through a stronger interdisciplinary and interprofessional self-understanding, thinking and acting, which must be comprehended and initiated in health care professional education and study programs, is dealt with. The author concludes that the presented interprofessional educational projects in higher education need to be empirically examined for their positive influence into professional practice. The article reviews the current scientific literature and takes into account experiences of the accreditation practice of the AHPGS.

Report on the application on the internal quality management system (SIQ) of AHPGS in the period of 2013 to 2017, submitted to the meeting of the Board of Directors on 11.06.2018 – update of the report from 2013 (German)

Content: The report presents in particular the effectiveness of the quality assurance measures towards the “cooperation partners” of the AHPGS, the universities as customers as well as the referees on the basis of the annual surveys. The results of the survey are discussed in the committees, offices and with the referees and are used for quality assurance and improvement. The contribution processes experiences of the accreditation practice of the AHPGS.

Kälble, K. (2017): Akademisches Franchising – Chancen und Risiken für die Hochschulbildung und die Frage der Qualitätssicherung. In: Karber, A. / Müller, J. / Nolte, K. / Schäfer, P. / Wahne, T. (Hrsg.): Zur Gerechtigkeitsfrage in sozialen (Frauen-)Berufen. Gelingensbedingungen und Verwirklichungschancen. Opladen, Berlin, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich, S. 191-203. Further information.

Content: The opportunities and risks of academic franchising are critically discussed from the perspective of quality development. With regard to the accreditation of study programs, the author shows a heterogeneous picture of the practiced franchise models as well as the state legal requirements. The article works up the current scientific literature and considers experiences of the accreditation practice of the AHPGS.

Kälble, K. / Pundt, J. (2016): Pflege und Pflegebildung im Wandel – der Pflegeberuf zwischen generalistischer Ausbildung und Akademisierung. In: Jacobs, K. / Kuhlmey, A. / Greß, S. / Klauber, J. / Schwinger, A. (Hrsg.): Pflege-Report 2016. Schwerpunkt: Die Pflegenden im Fokus. Stuttgart: Schattauer Verlag, S. 37–50. Further information.

Content: The authors deal with the qualification landscape in nursing. Both the status quo of the training situation in professional nursing below the academic level and the currently discussed generalist nursing training are explained on the basis of the currently available knowledge. In addition, the status of the academization of nursing and the associated perspectives are discussed. The article elaborates on the current scientific literature and takes into account experiences of the accreditation practice of the AHPGS.

Bericht des Geschäftsführers des AHPGS e.V. zum „Überwachungsauftrag gemäß § 2 Abs. 1 Nr. 4 Akkreditierungs-Stiftungs-Gesetz (ASG)“ und des Qualitätsmanagements presented to the General Assembly 2016 (German)

Content: The report shows, among other things, the changes in the framework conditions in the accreditation system as well as the reaction of the AHPGS by professionalizing the structures. In addition, the external and internal quality assurance measures in the accreditation of study programs are reflected. The report systematically processes the handling of the monita of the Accreditation Council within the scope of the monitoring mandate and maps the sustainable processing of the results. The article deals with experiences of the accreditation practice of the AHPGS.

Kälble, K. (2015): Gesundheitsbezüge in der Sozialen Arbeit und Soziale Arbeit im Gesundheitswesen – interdisziplinäre Konstellationen und Probleme.  In: Daiminger, C. / Hammerschmidt, P. / Sagebiel, J. (Hrsg.): Gesundheit und Soziale Arbeit. Neu-Ulm: AG SPAK Bücher, S. 93-112. Further information.

Content: Consideration is given to how new perspectives are unfolding for various addressee-related service professions against the background of changing conditions in health care. In the author’s view, the dominant position of the physician lead profession in health care is increasingly being challenged. Thus, the importance of increased cooperation and interprofessional division of labor is growing. For social work, it is therefore important to emphasize its special competencies more strongly in relation to the other professional groups in the health care system. The article reviews the current scientific literature and takes into account experiences of the accreditation practice of the AHPGS.

Report on the application of the system for internal quality management (SIQ) of the AHPGS in the period 2009 to 2013,  decided by the board of the AHPGS e.V. on 16.06.2013.(German)

Content: The report presents in particular the effectiveness of the quality assurance measures towards the “cooperation partners” of the AHPGS, the universities as customers as well as the referees on the basis of the annual surveys. The results of the survey are discussed in the committees, offices and with the referees and are used for quality assurance and improvement. The article deals with experiences of the accreditation practice of the AHPGS.