Current News

02.07.2024: The registration of the AHPGS in the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) was confirmed for another 5 years

27.11.2024: Webinar (German) from 9.30 am – 1:30 pm Die Anwendung der Landesverordnungen und praktische Fragen in der Programmakkreditierung

12.07.2024: Webinar (German) from 9.30 am – 1:30 pm Die Anwendung der Landesverordnungen und praktische Fragen in der Programmakkreditierung

6.6.2024: Webinar from 9.30 am – 1:30 pm The application of the State Treaty on the Accreditation of Studies and the state ordinances in program accreditation

15./16.02.2024: Committee and work conference of the AHPGS in Freiburg

2.10.2023: Accreditation Agency in Health and Social Sciences (AHPGS) has been awarded the Recognition Status by the World Federation for Medical Education valid until 2033. AHPGS is the first and currently the only agency to receive this for the countries Germany and Austria.

19.10.2023: the AHPGS and the expert team conducted the second site visit at the Andrei Saguna University of Constanta, Romania. Many thanks for the great hospitality and cooperation.

21.06.2023: Many thanks to the European University of Lefke for the hospitality and the great impressions on site. The AHPGS as well as the whole team of experts had a lot of informative discussions. We are looking forward to our collaboration.

16./17.02.2023: Commitee meeting of AHPGS in Freiburg